Create Your Free Life and Let Yourself be Found by Your Inner Calling

The mentoring for more clarity, powerful implementation and

easyness instead of busy-ness

Clarity on who you really are brings clarity into your business


You are a gift to this world. Without you, it would not be what it is. At the same time, there is untapped potential inside of you.

This potential unfolds itself as soon as you start to go your way and to follow your dreams and visions.

You can feel this potential as the desire for what your heart strives for. This desire is real and legit.

So, what is holding you up?

Mostly, it is lack of clarity on what makes you the wonderful human being you are. That which makes you so wonderful is so natural to yourself that it feels too easy or to trivial to be a part of your uniqueness. Can´t be something special, or can it?

It can and it is. This is exactly what makes you special. This is exactly your way. This is exactly your strengths and gifts.

Clarity about the next step brings momentum to your journey

My Offers

In case you have forgotten how wonderful you are or in case you need this little but decisive push forward.



A message from your greatest version with a reminder of your superpowers.

This individual reading from the morphogenetic field comes to you as an audio file within 5 weekdays after booking and includes a harmonisation à la Conscious Reading.

180 minutes that put your professional life on the right track


Tap into your potential

You do not really know in which direction your professional career is heading?

You are clueless when it comes to your individual gifts and talents?

You do not know how or where to begin or continue?

After this single coaching you will

- know better about your individual strengths and gifts

- know more about your professional direction

- know about the next courageous step to take on your path

- have transformed old patterns and made new belief connections

- know about your possibilities instead about your limitations.

This single coaching consists of two 90-minute sessions on zoom with various tasks before, between and after the coaching.

The methodological training for coaches, mentors, trainers and healers

Conscious Reading 

Conscious reading and creating in the morphogenetic field.

In this online training you learn to read the field and everything it needs to accompany your own clients with this wonderful tool and gift of yours. You will use the field according to the law of vibration and attraction.

Everybody is clairvoyant

This is what I know to be true. Order the book at amazon and learn about the experiences of my training's participants

VIP Mentoring

Falling High 

Exclusive coaching and mentoring over the course of 4 to 6 months.

Email-support and Whatsapp- or messenger support inclusive

on request

About Dr. Solveig Berg 

Life knows me in the roles of journalist, phd and researcher, mother, housewife, gardener, money hater and system-dropout. Currently, I am the conscious and feminine entrepreneur. Apart from all these roles and identities, I am pure consciousness ready and willing to play.

One says about me, that I am authentic, true, soft, deep, clear and inspiring. I invite you to get to know me and find out about me for yourself.

My qualifications and experiences:

The Silva MethodTM

Vesseling Practitioner with Martin Brune (energy seeing)

MFL© Morphisches Feld Lesen or Bewusstseinsfeld - Stephan Meier

Coaching with Manomind

Coaching with Kathrin Weishäupl

Coaching-training "Simply the best"

Mentoring with Joanna Hunter

I would love to work with you if:

  •  you desire more than average.
  •  you believe in magic and the power of self-responsibility.
  •  you have at least a little knowledge about the law of attraction and the law of vibration.
  •  you have a life-affirming attitude and can see the possibilities instead of only limitations.
  •  you are ready to crash old and non-serving world views.

I will not work with you if:

  •  you are only finding the limitations in life.
  •  always someone else is the reason why your life is like it is.
  •  you want to be self-employed but at the same time hate money or selling.
  •  every coach you have worked with so far was stupid and I am the one to save you now.
  •  your answer to every task I give to you is: I have already done this.


Joanna Hunter

Spiritual Business Coach and CEO of Joanna Hunter Ltd.

on Conscious Reading


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